Two red kites were poisoned in Czechia

Hodonín District (South Moravian Region)
The GPS-GSM logger, that the red kite had, showed that the bird was not moving at all. The ornitologists suspected that the bird was dead, which was confirmed on 14th March in the field when the bird was found. The young male of red kite was found in a position typical for poisoning (spasmodically spread wings and clenched claws), still with a piece of meat in its beak.
Litoměřice District (Ústí nad Labem Region in North Bohemia)
Another killed red kite, also equiped with GPS-GSM logger, was found in Litoměřice District on Wednesday March 17. This bird was also found in a position typical for poisoning. Furthermore, the dog handler Klára Hlubocká moved 2.5 kilometers further to a place where, according to the GPS-GSM logger, the red kite was still alive and active.
"There's a place for collecting biowaste, where we found the remains of various animals (including raven), where predators probably go to feed on carrion. Nearby we found a common buzzard and also two martens - all with typical symptoms of poisoning," says dog handler Hlubocká, who is looking for poisoned baits and their victims with a specially trained Chesapeake Bay retriever Victory.